Hi all, again thanks for your replies and help.

I was able to get car inspection at Industrial Area. It didnt take as long as I thought and cost me QAR 75. They passed my car in 'Technical' but failed it in 'Legal' due to minor scratches & paint peel-off. The good thing is that they have got traffic police people standing next to inspection centre and they examined the car (for like 30 sec) and passed it.

Then I got my compulsory insurance from QIC for QAR 420. I dont know if I paid too much extra, but didnt really know which one to get and didnt bother researching around.

Then I went to Traffic Police Department at Madinat al Khalifa. The process took barely 5 min and cost me QAR 200. I am guessing the cost also includes for new number plate as well as Istimara renewal. For new number plate, the process (as I understand) is that I have to wait for SMS on my mobile asking me to get new number plate. Then I need to go to License Plates Workshop at Madinat al Khalifa and register my plate and then wait in the queue with my car to get it electrically solded. Can anybody confirm this process or am I missing something?