Look yes I am comparing that's the real world and I'm sorry some of you don't want that slap of harsh reality, you busted your @SS in school to get a high ACT score to get into a good college and get Nationally recognized degree so your chances at getting a job and beating the competition are higher and better, no matter where you are in the world or what country you come from, and it's not my fault or any westerners fault that our education system is better and our degrees are more valuable and I'm not saying this to brag or to be rude, I'm stating the facts nothing personal. Most Americans spend a good chunk of their salary after graduating paying off student loans. And paying off my student loans is a huge part of why I chose to take the job in Qatar with a higher salary. We don't get our education handed to us, most college student work and go to school in hopes for a better life and a better job that's not minimum wage. So please don't sit here whining about salaries. I waited tables all through highschool and college making minimum wage, so I can put myself through school and get the job that I wanted wth the pay that I DESERVE..