Xceptional Great....which planet are you from.....look at Europe and the problems there....this market is going to be flooded with people...JUST TO SURVIVE...and here you are giving advice...left,right.and centre....I suggest you do a rethink...people are going to come here whatever the salary .....just cos the OP is white doent mean HE DESERVES BETTER....theres a lot of competition... Remember DARWIN....survival of the fittest...THIS IS THE NEW MANTRA...so I suggest that the OP take this position or he will be left behind to try make ends meet back home ...in the coming months
Xceptional Great....which planet are you from.....look at Europe and the problems there....this market is going to be flooded with people...JUST TO SURVIVE...and here you are giving advice...left,right.and centre....I suggest you do a rethink...people are going to come here whatever the salary .....just cos the OP is white doent mean HE DESERVES BETTER....theres a lot of competition... Remember DARWIN....survival of the fittest...THIS IS THE NEW MANTRA...so I suggest that the OP take this position or he will be left behind to try make ends meet back home ...in the coming months