I know that's what it is Doha Chap. Anyone with even a rudimentary understanding of Islam knows that it doesn't support these kind of sentences, which is why I'm always flabbergasted that the judges site "Shariah Law" as the justification, and even more flabbergasted that Muslims around the world and other Muslim countries don't get highly offended and do something about it. These kind of sentences give Islam & Muslims a bad name.
I know that's what it is Doha Chap. Anyone with even a rudimentary understanding of Islam knows that it doesn't support these kind of sentences, which is why I'm always flabbergasted that the judges site "Shariah Law" as the justification, and even more flabbergasted that Muslims around the world and other Muslim countries don't get highly offended and do something about it. These kind of sentences give Islam & Muslims a bad name.