Yes Alumnar I agree but on the larger picture this points back to the governement not the coalition that is in office today back to labour and in 97 when blair/brown introduced emplyees contribution tax on company, the top five brit gas, brit telecom, united util and 2 more i cant think of right now, well they all went to downing street to protest that this additional tax would eat into their profits and brown wouldnt budge so the outsourcing culture commenced aptly in india a rise in construction of building recruiting of call centre staff all this still being cheaper than the tax charge these companies faced lots more business followed suit one by one they left unemployment rose,
the point is it has happen and this coalition for all the grief labour left them with are trying to turn things around hence the budget cuts which are far to excessive, if they simply lowered the tax more people could breathe/spend more economy grows but this things dont happen over night nor i guess in the next 5-6 years, it is hard now for all people in the uk and those that can afford to are no longer there, i doubt it will recover to its former glory but it is still and will always be there to help the people who as it is duely noted in here dont want to help them selves sad times
Yes Alumnar I agree but on the larger picture this points back to the governement not the coalition that is in office today back to labour and in 97 when blair/brown introduced emplyees contribution tax on company, the top five brit gas, brit telecom, united util and 2 more i cant think of right now, well they all went to downing street to protest that this additional tax would eat into their profits and brown wouldnt budge so the outsourcing culture commenced aptly in india a rise in construction of building recruiting of call centre staff all this still being cheaper than the tax charge these companies faced lots more business followed suit one by one they left unemployment rose,
the point is it has happen and this coalition for all the grief labour left them with are trying to turn things around hence the budget cuts which are far to excessive, if they simply lowered the tax more people could breathe/spend more economy grows but this things dont happen over night nor i guess in the next 5-6 years, it is hard now for all people in the uk and those that can afford to are no longer there, i doubt it will recover to its former glory but it is still and will always be there to help the people who as it is duely noted in here dont want to help them selves sad times