Hi there,

Susan has clearly had an unpleasant time. I would like to emphasize that working and living in the Middle East is not the same as in the UK and is not for everyone. I'm sorry for Susan that she had a misreable experience however I think it is unfair to slag off Sherborne. I can't judge Sherborne as an employer. I am employed by a western organisation in Doha and yes, there are some Middle eastern issues and irritations. That comes with it. As a parent I have to say Sherborne is an excellent school and we are very happy. It's not predominantly Arabic at all, a large percentage (40%) is British and the rest is a mix. yes, there are Arabic children, we are in the Middle East after all. There are islamic studies for those who want that, my children have music/PE or French instead. My children are very happy and I have never seen them make as much progress. I would recommend this school to anyone