The month of Ramadan is when the first verses of the Quran were revealed. Note: The entire Quran was revealed over a period of about 23 years, starting in 610 CE and ending in 632 CE.

The Muslim world has an almost staggering diversity of cultures and each Muslim country may have its own customs and rites associated with Ramadan. Some customs that are observed by most Muslims include the following:

Recitation of the entire Quran, in imitation of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) who did so. This is usually done for the community from the mosques or (in Muslim countries) on the radio; individuals or families may also get together for their own recitation
Observance of special night vigil prayers in the late evening or middle of the night called tarawih
Withdrawing to the mosque during the last ten nights of Ramadan for prayer and Quran recitation, which is called itikaf meaning "seclusion"

Celebration of the "Night of Power" marking the specific date of the beginning of the revelation of the Quran on the 27th of Ramadan.

As well, the fast is broken each evening with a meal called "iftar" (meaning "breaking the fast"), and the last meal in the morning before dawn is called "suhur" (meaning "morning meal").

In Muslim countries it is quite common to have feasts that last all night and run from iftar to suhur. These feasts are a time of celebration and community. There is also a special holiday marking the end of Ramadan, called Eid al-Fitr.