Some people believe that the escalating violence in the media has led to escalating violence in real life. People are taking their cues from what the see and hear. The situations we observe in a fictional reality bring out the worst in us. People try to reenact stupid things they see on TV, or they put the blame on violent song lyrics. If a person goes on a shooting spree in a video game, they will be more apt to try it in real life. It maintains that these media artifacts bring out the worst in our human nature. Basically the media breeds a more violent society. Society perpetuates the violence it sees.
Some people believe that the escalating violence in the media has led to escalating violence in real life. People are taking their cues from what the see and hear. The situations we observe in a fictional reality bring out the worst in us. People try to reenact stupid things they see on TV, or they put the blame on violent song lyrics. If a person goes on a shooting spree in a video game, they will be more apt to try it in real life. It maintains that these media artifacts bring out the worst in our human nature. Basically the media breeds a more violent society. Society perpetuates the violence it sees.