They are also stereotyped as lazy because of people such as the original poster and other disgruntled expats who more likely than not are envious of the Qatari population, and the privileges they believe they are entitled to, which usually are nothing but a gross exaggeration of the reality of the situation.

One only needs to browse through forums/blogs where there are exchanges between Qataris/Expats to observe how highly sensitive some of them turn when a Qatari poster merely implies that there are discriminatory policies in place that operate against Qataris in practice. Yet when it comes to attacking, generalizing and grouping Qataris as a whole, it's open season.

To be honest this doesn't really bother me when I witness some expats behaving in this way, because all it does is reinforce what I have been always saying about Qatar not discriminating when they hire foreign professionals, they do sometimes hire those who have the necessary skills and experience, but they also appoint to senior positions a lot who would have had great difficulty being hired at decent firms in their home countries even pre-recession. I wonder how a lot of these people would react if the situation was reversed and they found a translated version of an Arabic publication revealing how a lot of the expats who may not be adequately skilled/experienced are living lavishly, and focused one-sidedly only on this section of the expatriate community, all of a sudden we would hear cries of "Propaganda!".

The whole idea that all expats are more than willing to train Qataris to replace them is just preposterous, aside from the human nature aspect of it where some may fear being replaced (the problems with Qatarization is another issue, but I don't want to get into it over here) , in a lot of cases you will find that some just overlook this duty of their mandate for whatever other reasons, a lot of my Qatari friends who have graduated from top universities abroad have expressed to me the problems they have faced with their respective departments and lack of training they have received since their return to Doha. Any sensible person will realize that it doesn't make sense that such graduates would choose to go through rigorous workloads at these top institutions with the intentions of returning to their countries with a lackluster approach to their work obligations.

As for the original poster's friends and their opinions, well you chose to hangout with such people so please don't use them as examples of what the Qatari population thinks, the Qataris who I choose to associate with don't share the opinions of those you posted. Yes those types exist and nobody is denying that, but my friends and acquaintances exist too, and the fact that you choose to be around the former doesn't negate the existence of the latter.

From my own experience and what I have witnessed there, I would rather pay then use the free medical services of HMC. Aside from the ridiculous waiting lists, you will find there exactly what I stated about no distinction being made between the skilled and incompetent in the hiring process. I spent 2 months going there almost every day for a simple injury that they had problems identifying, I saw over 10 doctors during that period, and none of them knew what do with me. As soon as I went to the UK within my first visit they identified the problem and put me on a rehabilitation program. As one poster mentioned the majority of Qataris have to rely on HMC for their medical treatments, and I question their competence in more serious cases if they could not even handle my simple injury, and exaggerated the extent of my injuries to perhaps cover up their inability to perform what they were hired for. This is just one of many negative experiences I have had with them, and I have vowed never to use them again if I can avoid it.

So no, Qataris aren't living in heaven, majority aren't fortunate enough to have decent medical care nor can they afford it, and all your other points are mostly irrational and serve no purpose other than appeal to the incompetent section of the expat population, a group usually incapable of making fair and reasoned judgments and delights in any opportunity that permits them to generalize and attack locals.