@ oryx it's not just Qataris, but most citizens of Arab/Muslim countries except for perhaps Malaysia. Their sources of information is very limited, and usually represents only one view point which is to be accepted as the 'right' view. The Arabs/Muslims who were fortunate enough to pick up another language, or grow up/live among those from societies where independent thought flourishes tend to be not as gullible (unless of course they stayed within the same sort of communities as their own when abroad, which is very common).

A few outspoken Qataris back in the day were vilified in the media/society for expressing a different perspective on issues that generally had only one accepted 'right' view, they were effectively ostracized from the society. Whereas nowadays I can go on to this forum or others and even meet several Qataris who don't represent just one line of thought, they are a minority but it will grow in time.