FQ general manager has single-handedly lost his company
tens of millions in sales due to their lack of transparency and outright manipulation and abuse of their existing clients. You think this has not affected them? think again. Anyone who has done even the slightest bit of research before buying will treat FQ like a plague. FQ will never fully recover from their perceived actions. Never. What is truly arrogant and a travesty is FQ management has not taken a single action to make amends or clear the air. Nothing. Not even raise a single finger. Only more BS.
They have been so harshly criticized due to their own actions of course the name FQ or First Qatar is now synonomous with mistrust, shady dealing, underhanded,
and trickery.
A word of advice for FQ - change your name and manager.
Take a half-page ad out in the Gulf-Times and apologize
for the grief you have caused your customers and explain
actions you will take to create trust and create and atmosphere of fairness.
If anyone from FQ is interested in hiring myself to do this for you (at this point my 8 year old daughter could do a better job than your present GM) please text me and I would be happy to take the job. i dont work cheap though.