Has been there for ever and must have been for a reason wisely known by the authorities..
What i find amusing is that this is not hidden to anyone who is applying for job... so once this is known and one gets a job and starts working and staying here, then suddenly why one has a concern of this or that...quiet a thankless attitude I guess…
As long as this should continue or should be removed is not our say so why one should bother to waste time on this discussion...no offense just a though to relax the mind at least. :-)
I am sure that when the time is right from the perspective of the decision maker they will do the changes… ;-)
Has been there for ever and must have been for a reason wisely known by the authorities..
What i find amusing is that this is not hidden to anyone who is applying for job... so once this is known and one gets a job and starts working and staying here, then suddenly why one has a concern of this or that...quiet a thankless attitude I guess…
As long as this should continue or should be removed is not our say so why one should bother to waste time on this discussion...no offense just a though to relax the mind at least. :-)
I am sure that when the time is right from the perspective of the decision maker they will do the changes… ;-)
I rest ....