I don't like the idea of the naked scanners. It's not about security, but the illusion of security that one refers to as 'security theater'. It's not going to stop planes being bombed by a determined person, only provide the illusion of safety.
Case in point, over xmas I was given a pat down after the metal detector beeped at me (didn't take off my belt), the pat down didn't check under my arm pits, the groin area or backside, I wan't given the beepy wand or made to go through the detector beltless to check there wasn't anything else I was carrying.
Another example would be the banned items list. This cartoon sums it all up really.

Goldie....don't be silly, there is no country that is a true democracy, just as there isn't a country that's ever adopted true communism (Russia lasted 24 hours). It's not a democracy when the political system is dominated by two parties who can afford to price anyone out of an election. Who do you vote for? the lesser of two evils? don't vote?
In the UK people have responded to a lack of choice by simply not voting. Look at the polling stats for the last few decades. There is no "None of the above" option on the slips over here...we are pretty much powerless.
Do you honestly think the British public like having their taxes given to bankers who through greed messed up the economy? or being lied to over going to war against Iraq and having to also foot the bill?
Over a million people marched through London to protest the war against Iraq and all that happened was Parliment banned organised protest outside the house of commons using the terrorism act. We were ignored.