Online transactions are safe if you know your way around a pc. If your in doubt - use a pre paid credit card. I use aramex as well. The service is not all that great. They received two items from amazon on the same date and shipped one a week after the other. But amazon customer service is very good.
You don't need to go their office to set up the account. You can register online from their website for a ship and shop account as well. Only reason why I would buy something from here over amazon/aramex is when I feel the local warranty is required or if I need it immediately.
Online transactions are safe if you know your way around a pc. If your in doubt - use a pre paid credit card. I use aramex as well. The service is not all that great. They received two items from amazon on the same date and shipped one a week after the other. But amazon customer service is very good.
You don't need to go their office to set up the account. You can register online from their website for a ship and shop account as well. Only reason why I would buy something from here over amazon/aramex is when I feel the local warranty is required or if I need it immediately.