tooba24, I liked your comments about English as a language of communication in club as this is what we need in our professional lives. I have a common viewpoint. However, on the personal front, I view it differently; we need to promote Urdu language as well as develop our skills in Urdu. We have taken Urdu for granted. How many people we see around who can speak and express themselves well in Urdu… unfortunately, not many…

I don't comprehend why Urdu Toastmaster will not be well-suited for the development of both public speaking and leadership skills. No doubt Urdu is not a language of science and technology; it is subordinate to many richer languages when it comes to terseness and epigrammatic force. Urdu, as we see today seems less outwardly polished, but that does not mean it is crude inwardly. It has clear expressions, fineness, and if used skillfully gives speakers a unrivaled power of packing their thoughts into the smallest possible space in writing and speaking vis-à-vis English which is remarkable for its power of succinctness.

We shall take what entire toastmaster concept offers and adopt it to our own purpose. A two-fold approach, toastmasters-way and promotion of Urdu will establish Urdu Toastmaster club as a classic for Urdu-speakers. English clubs and Urdu clubs are not mutually exclusive. I encourage everyone to join English Toastmaster club but Urdu Toastmaster is certainly a special one which may not fall in everyone’s specific province.