I think one of the main problem with this project is transparency. We are not informed or "correctly informed" about what is going on(problems, real reason of delays v.s.). I know one of my friend who has been told that his apertment will be handovered next month since 8 months! and the reason of delay is changing every month. My apartment is already delayed almost 1 year. My developer is saying the handover will be in March. But after all, I can't believe them... It will be a big surprise if they do so...
I think one of the main problem with this project is transparency. We are not informed or "correctly informed" about what is going on(problems, real reason of delays v.s.). I know one of my friend who has been told that his apertment will be handovered next month since 8 months! and the reason of delay is changing every month. My apartment is already delayed almost 1 year. My developer is saying the handover will be in March. But after all, I can't believe them... It will be a big surprise if they do so...