I agree with Chelsea, if anything they are stricter than many other places. Make sure you use an IATA approved crate if you want to take the dog back in the same one, buying one that says flight approved is not sufficient here. I have known several cats and dogs not being loaded onto their flights because the crate is not IATA approved or too big/small.
Also, sorry to have to bring this up but you will have to be very careful with him, you will be stopped by people wanting to buy him from you a lot. If I were you, I would not walk him on the streets, instead take him to quiet beaches and once a week go to Zikreet for a really safe and good run. If you are out walking and you think someone is interested, don't let them follow you home. Make sure he is microchipped and don't leave him outside in the yard unsupervised to long periods. I am sure you will be fine but sadly there are people who try. I have a deerhound I brought from the UK and get hassled a lot and I know of many people with Bulldog breeds who also get the same.