Well here are two things that may be of use to remember.

Why Iran wants nuclear weapons? Well can you name one country that poses nuclear weapons that has been attacked? When Bush named Iraq, Iran and N. Korea as axis of evil and attacked Iraq, North Korea immidiately started building N. Bomb and so did Iran. Both the countries since then have received a lot of concessions from western world since then.

While we talk of democracy and people's choice, let's face it even on the face of strong opposition by their own people, govt of UK, Australia, Spain and Italy went to war in Iraq. So the message was read loud and clear in Iran.

In 1992 peace conference, then prime minister Yitzhak Shamir (not sure of his spelling), said Israel would drag on the negotiations for years while building up the settlements, so that at the end there will be nothing left to negotiate. It is 2009 and one can see they have followed through on their strategy. Gaza is a different issue and needs a separate thread. Have you noticed that settlement activities pick up when there is relative peace in occupied lands? So do you wonder why group like Hamas are gaining power? It is long tried policy of occupying powers, may it be the colonial powers of the past or occupiers of today, to suppress the non-violent groups and encourage the violent ones to justify their brutal occupation.