However, the traffic signboard is applicable 24/7 whole the life of a believer in Allah SWT..

If I may add, Ramadan is the litmus test YoY (year on year) for the believers to see how much could they gain control on their respective the Shiateens/Devils are locked during this blessed month...and any misdeed/mistake/wrong temptation/s during these days is actually our own Nafs

This is very important month for all the believers in Allah SWT to review the progress chart and work more hard to have even better results in the next Ramadan (if blessed with enough life) Insha'Allah.
May Allah forgive us all and guide us to the right path and out of his million mercies, we all get chance to live on Haq/truth and when we die, we die on Haq/truth...Aameen

Allah knows the Best.

(Nafs: the nearest interpretation I could come up is the ‘Soul or Self or psyche’)