Dear Cynbob

Thank you for your kind post. It is truly appreciated.

To answer your question, yes, a few of us have consulted with a lawyer. They are going through the contracts as we speak.

To the other readers:

I would like to encourage all of you to please go and see your developer in person to get an answer from them regarding all the fees. A phone call just aint gonna cut it. You need to show them you mean business. Get it in writing as their words mean nothing unless it is on paper.

Our developer after being pressed for answers has now informed us that apparently they will give us the costs in 3 weeks... I can't help to wonder why they need so much time. I would like to think that they need this time to make sure they give their customers what they promised them.... Unfortunately i have no faith left in them or QC. I truly hope they prove me wrong...

As hurt, angry and emmotionally drained that i am at this stage, i still want to believe that the people responsible for this mess will realise what they have done. They will see the HUGE financial NEGATIVE implications for their future business. They will understand that the most important investors/customers they have, are the existing ones. We are the ones that will make or break their reputation. Unfortunatly for everyone, they are trying to abuse us and now nobody will win. We are all facing a loose/loose situation instead of a win/win. Do you not understand the power of existing owners/cutomers? Without customers you have nothing!! Wake up, fix your mess and perhaps you might still have a chance!! Give us a reason to believe in you again.