I notice it all the time... And sometimes for some reason I keep some of those faces on my mind. Their eyes and the sadness in them, the stories hiding beneath their gloomy smiles. I just wonder.

But the thing is, this is not the only place in the world where this is going on. It actually happens everywhere in the world. Believe me, there are immigrants everywhere in the world without their families. And I've seen those faces everywhere.

But you know, they are not all miserable, I've seen a lot of this people smiling and laughing. I think it also depends on the person's ability to find joy in small things, it is not all of them who have dull faces.

You know what is sadder?? Looking at all this faces walking around the souqs with nothing to do on a Friday afternoon, wandering the streets with no shades, no entertainment for them. That is the saddest part. I would admire Sheikah Moza 10 times more if she organized some entertainment for these guys, these poor guys who are by themselves in a harsh country.

At least to make nicer their only day off from hard work.

And what do YOU do about this? Do you smile at them, are you nice at them? Do you treat the shop attendant? Don't you think that it is also upon us to smile and brighten their lives, at least for a few minutes...

Yes, friends, we can make a little difference.