dont worry vegas thread was also deleted ...for just asking who is the good Arabic singer ..... as I would like to start collecting Arabic CD , since I live here anyway, I taught I would start collecting it. But, No heart feeling I asked couple of my Qatari friend ..... and their high school daughter .... but I still would like to have other people opinion about who they think a good singers...since my Itunes account doesnt give me enough option for Arabic song ......
dont worry vegas thread was also deleted ...for just asking who is the good Arabic singer ..... as I would like to start collecting Arabic CD , since I live here anyway, I taught I would start collecting it. But, No heart feeling I asked couple of my Qatari friend ..... and their high school daughter .... but I still would like to have other people opinion about who they think a good singers...since my Itunes account doesnt give me enough option for Arabic song ......