this forum..
i have 2 points-- my friend used to bartend and was offered $10k by a bar regular (in his late early 50's..twice her age, decent, educated, good looking..not her type, clean) who really had the hots for her, in exchange for you know. she didnt take it. 100% she didnt. she didnt sidejob as a prostitute even with this amount, not because she thought she was way more expensive than the given amount..
u see in this case, she would have willingly-no money involved-lay in bed with him if he was younger and was her type, u know what im saying? would u have judged her if that was the case? no because, now in this genereation we call it casual sex. now, casual sex. sometimes in life, you have that shameful casual sex. like, theres this really good friend of yours then in that one night of drinking, u wake up the next day..u find urself naked next to him! bam, reality strikes! u wake up, hurryingly trying to get out of the room. the point is, so often times..theres also shame in sex even if it does not involve money (re: prostitution). and also in some occassions, it would be the opposite like u had that lay with the guy u intended to do it with but he puts money on the bedstand the next day (not knowing his number..carrie in sex and the city movie). see, thats shameful sex too.
im out of thoughts now..