Yes God is present....
He s the one who s given not only oxygen but this whole world for us.. True....
Also true that today the book talks about Oxygen... tomorrow they would say.. Oxygen is not element its compound... mixture of 2 different materials.. The I ll agree t it... I mean everyone shall...... coz they are proving it rationally.....

I also know there is no gaurantee of tomorrow...
thts why enjoy as much as you can now....
thts the key... there is no future.... whtevr it is it is Present..

We kill our present for the bright future... which never exists... we ll kill tht time for future ahead of tht time,... and never live...... like idiots...

Life is this very moment.... thts it...
Past is point of feeling guilty n wasting present for it...
And future is yet to come... no need to waste life for worrying for it.... since everyday its a new ball game........... you plan X and diff situations crop up.... plan has to be altered. whts use of the plan X then...

But still why is it not natural for us to accept GOD n his truths.....
I mean why can't our default setting be as a believer and not someone who has to struggle against the will to be a bad man....?? or women.... whtver......

Why is it difficult to reach him...??? Why is he not visible to common man easily...??? He exists... we need him in every step... then why be a suspense and test our faith....??????

Hard Work Doesn't Kill Anyone... But Why take Chances.