I can understand your intentions behind the writeup. I think it is the GOD thing which is undigestable for many of them.
But Scarlette...you too?
I think Ashwin is just making an emotional apeal to all QLers to come forward for the less fortunates more oftnely.
Speed won't mind it either, I guess. We believe that when we serve other people we are serving GOD.
Everything's gonna be alright!!!
I can understand your intentions behind the writeup. I think it is the GOD thing which is undigestable for many of them.
But Scarlette...you too?
I think Ashwin is just making an emotional apeal to all QLers to come forward for the less fortunates more oftnely.
Speed won't mind it either, I guess. We believe that when we serve other people we are serving GOD.
Everything's gonna be alright!!!