Scarlett... As I told you this was instinctive... I wrote whtever came to my mind... w/o altering a single thought...

It might have been more correct to not take his name and jus talk about the cause, but 1. it was instinctive and 2. It would have had not been tht appealing... Bcoz now days seeing is believing..... We can see it front of our us... I shared what I experienced....

Ya.. As you said.. besides taking his name.. wish "QL Volunteers" had come out of my fingers..... It would have had had same impact without the side-effects which you guyz talking about... Damn!!!
Wish I had sent a PM of this to you for review first... :)
There is always a next time..... :)
Lot many goof ups are yet to come....... I have recently joined :)

Hard Work Doesn't Kill Anyone... But Why take Chances.