we pray 5 times aday each prayer time differs on daily basis according to the day or night lenghth(the difference may be 1 minute every day "more or less")
the timing is avilable everywhere : on the net , on ATHAN softwares or in the calendars in a small table in everyday's paper.
the Mo'athen who is responsible for making Athan which is cosidered as the official announcement of prayer time
thae mo'athen make the Athan in the mic. at the specific time.
then after a pre-determined time he make Iqama which is the announcement for people who came to the Masjid after Athan to stand up for the prayer
the time between Athan & Iqama is varied between 5 to 25 minutes according to the prayer e.g: Fajr(dawn)25, Maghhrib(sunset) 5 .....etc.
we pray 5 times aday each prayer time differs on daily basis according to the day or night lenghth(the difference may be 1 minute every day "more or less")
the timing is avilable everywhere : on the net , on ATHAN softwares or in the calendars in a small table in everyday's paper.
the Mo'athen who is responsible for making Athan which is cosidered as the official announcement of prayer time
thae mo'athen make the Athan in the mic. at the specific time.
then after a pre-determined time he make Iqama which is the announcement for people who came to the Masjid after Athan to stand up for the prayer
the time between Athan & Iqama is varied between 5 to 25 minutes according to the prayer e.g: Fajr(dawn)25, Maghhrib(sunset) 5 .....etc.