I have been on the same situation and the only answer to that is....it depends on your motive...

If you are planning to settle the loan and leave the country, i dont see any issues with that. However, if you want to leave the country and you have no means to settle your loan at the moment; there are two things that could possibly happen. First, if your salary is coming through a bank account delegated by your company and has direct contact with your company; as soon as your latest salary hasnt come in to your account then the bank will call the company to check and they will put you on their watchlist. At this point you will not be at all apprehended should you leave the country because the bank will suspect that you might have transferred to another job. Second, If your salary isnt goin to a company assigned bank then you should not miss any payment so that the bank will not put your name on their watchlist and alarm the authorities.

Technically, it is tedious to put someone's name on a hold departure order unless he or she has been filed with a criminal or penal case and a hold departure order has been passed to the court to the imigration.

Bottom line, if you dont missed your loan payments then there should no issues of barring you at the airport.

Be safe!