Winn...the Qur'an applies separate obligations on a muslim towards a fellow muslim and a fellow human being whos is not a believer.
A muslim is not supposed to point or show a knife (or a weapon) to another muslim, let alone the idea of killing him! Now you see the sharp contrast going on around in the world these days. Muslims killing fellow muslims in the name of religion and political gains. This necessarily doesn't mean that a muslim can show a knife or a weapon to any other disbeliever for no apparant reason.
There also is a very clear mention to love and take care of one's neighbors. If a neighbor sleep w/o having food and a muslim living beside him eats full, its a matter of disgrace to that muslim.
As i said above, a muslim must regard a fellow muslim as a brother and wish and greet him peace. I can't explain this concept without elaborating on why are muslims any different that one who doesn't believe.
A disbeliever and a believer are two different human beings in the eyes of God and so the duties of a muslim towards both of them are obviously different!
Hey Maa look at me....what no one wants to see....much too young to focus but too old to see!
Winn...the Qur'an applies separate obligations on a muslim towards a fellow muslim and a fellow human being whos is not a believer.
A muslim is not supposed to point or show a knife (or a weapon) to another muslim, let alone the idea of killing him! Now you see the sharp contrast going on around in the world these days. Muslims killing fellow muslims in the name of religion and political gains. This necessarily doesn't mean that a muslim can show a knife or a weapon to any other disbeliever for no apparant reason.
There also is a very clear mention to love and take care of one's neighbors. If a neighbor sleep w/o having food and a muslim living beside him eats full, its a matter of disgrace to that muslim.
As i said above, a muslim must regard a fellow muslim as a brother and wish and greet him peace. I can't explain this concept without elaborating on why are muslims any different that one who doesn't believe.
A disbeliever and a believer are two different human beings in the eyes of God and so the duties of a muslim towards both of them are obviously different!
Hey Maa look at me....what no one wants to see....much too young to focus but too old to see!