How many of you guys are aware of the scientific research that resulted in the discovery of the "barrier between the two seas"?

Water samples of the two seas have a different salinity, composition, temperature, etc to indicate that the two seas don't mix and that this barrier is not visible to the eye. This is backed by a modern scientific research.

How can the human reproductive system (the biological aspect of it) be known to the people of that era?

How can a book talk about the future events to take place on route to the judgement day?

How can a book say that Jesus will return to Syria during a time very near to the dissolution of the earth and the entire existence?

Why were the pharaoh's bodies discovered under pyramids had a high degree of saline content in them that made them stay for such a huge time period?

These facts was put forth 14 centuries ago in the Qur'an besides other information that have only been found in recent past times.

GYPSY are you an atheist? What makes you think the existence came into being on its own? What makes you think the sun, moon, universe and its gravitational equilibrium is merely existing by chance? What makes you think the perentage of oxygen together with nitrogen in air co-exists wihout a reason? Why does the artificial respiratory systems used by advanced technologies can't do away the need to manually extract moisture accumulated in the lungs as a result of this?

Who gave you the authority to "live your life to the fullest" wihout being accountable for anything to your creator?

These quesrions are from no religious texts. These are questions from science. Answer it.

Freedom is the right of all sentient beings.