People must understand that when men and women become victims of their so called modernized societies, they turn to an Islamic lifestyle. Women who get exploited in marital affairs, come to Islam for peace and a way of life. These modern day philosophers and educated lot when exposed to the miracles of the Qur'an, they have nothing but false and arguments to present.

I donno what religion GYPSY follows, but if she is serious about her arguments, then she must go read what her own book ordains her. She'd find herself in a state of sheer ignorance. GYPSY, your arguments are really ridiculous and of no depth.

In Christianity, prophet Jesus never said he's God or the son of God. It was something made out of him and his teachings. Therez a lot more contradictions among christian beliefs and the true teachings of the gospel (old testament). Similarly, whats currently practised in a culture worldwide is just made out of common sense and what suits best to each individual. For example in Germany, people don't believe in any God and men and women have scores of girlfriends and boyfriends in their lifetime. They just don't seem to know what marriage is all about. I came to know this from a guy who visited Doha from Berlin on a business trip. Islam sees this as fornication and is rightly just.

The directive of the Qur'an for women and men to observe dress code is not for common man to interpret.

People who have a problem accepting Islamic lifestyle must wait for something bad to happen into their lives to enable them to realise why these rules were put in place. For the rest, they're simply misfortunate.

May God give guidance and understanding to all who deserve!

Freedom is the right of all sentient beings.