Ainsley , Thank you for your sharing great experience ...I guess some people like to bashing your school and hoping for the best ...and they dont realize their chance to DC is would be great experience for their children ..... I'm sure if they get the spot for their children in DC and got the experience you got in DC ...They wont admit it that they've been bad mouthing DC here in QL ...I really hope they get their peace in life by bad mouthing about DC here in QL ....
Ainsley , Thank you for your sharing great experience ...I guess some people like to bashing your school and hoping for the best ...and they dont realize their chance to DC is would be great experience for their children ..... I'm sure if they get the spot for their children in DC and got the experience you got in DC ...They wont admit it that they've been bad mouthing DC here in QL ...I really hope they get their peace in life by bad mouthing about DC here in QL ....
May peace be with them ....