>>>well corruption came from the western countries:

Really? I lived in US, Germany, Canada...and ran into very little, actually none I can remember. As I traveled all over SE Asia, Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, and PI, I meet nothing but crooked cab driver, bus driver, boat owners, hotel people....they see a westerner and seem to think we are stupid and will pay 3 times the amount for something, or they get us out in the middle of nowhere, stop the car/bus/boat and refuse to drive anymore unless I give them a "tip". This doesn't happen in the west, moron. It sound slike you are simply making excuses for your own culture. Of course, in all these nations, everything is the wests fault. Right?

>>>they corrupted the nations they think they can put in their pockets, they reap their resources and just leave them like nothing happend.

Right, the US corrupted the Philippines. Was that after we kicked the Japanese out? (You know, we had a lot to do with Japan after the war, and corruption there is almost nil.)

>>>-Corruptors hates corruptions -

Uh...so because I hate corruption, I am corrupt? Sorry, but you sound like a real idiot.