Hi all.

Firstly, thanks to sisterfatima for kind words off of this forum, via e-mail and also Malarbari for meeting me in Islamic Cultural centre in Qatar and bringing a frien (elder) to answer and discuss some of my Questions as a Christian on the difference and similarities between us. I must also point out that there was no "hard Sell" and my views were respected as well as Me respecting his and the company was very warmly accepted, as was the tea. It is refreshing to see this side of things as back in the UK it is persieved that you must convert and be converted at all costs and the attitude of Muslims is percieved by UK residance, Christian or not, as hard line and intolerent of anything but their ways. This was far from it, and the patience of the people there was beautiful. I made it quite clear that I was not making a comittment to Islam and may spend the rest of my life asking questions but some of the answers I got already have changed my outlook on the rest of my life already and indeed the way I do things as well as the reason why.
In viewing the litiriture I have, it reaffurms the feeling that I have in that although I am basicly very comfortable with my faith, some of the things in the Bible do not add up and although I have to say the books given do have a biased slant, they are no more than I have already understood, but that does not mean I am less convinced that Christianity is wrong, but that some of the details are flawed by political expedience over the 1000 or so years.
But above all, the peace and friendlyness of my new found brothers and sisters has been a welcome change from the bitter attitude of others and it is good to discuss, agree, disagree, argue, but above all, still remain on Gods earth as friends. To those who know who you are, may God bless you and make you prosper as much as I have in the last week.