I am not fulfilled with hate. The thing that I am saying, as some of American's accept here: there were wrong decisions made by the people governing you. You are saying cold war OK than are you in Iraq because of cold of War? It is over many years ago I guess. Correct me if I am wrong. For the rest of countries you are saying cold war but what your previous governments has done was not very cold I guess?
I am not into war subject only, let me give another example: it is about Kyoto protocol. Even though The United States was, as of at least 2005,the largest per capital emitter of carbon dioxide from the burning of fossil fuels. Your government doesn't care how much they are destroying the earth. "The United States (U.S.), although a signatory to the Kyoto Protocol, has neither ratified nor withdrawn from the Protocol. The signature alone is symbolic, as the Kyoto Protocol is non-binding on the United States unless ratified." [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kyoto_Protocol#United_States] There is protocol agreed on it but your previous governments were saying "Oh OK keep up with the good work; do what I say but do not do what I do. I will keep making earth less worth for living but I agree that you shall make restrictions for yourself"
I understand that when there is power and no control mechanism; indeed it will be out of control sometimes. Like Germany and France were against the invasion of Iraq; but US urged them to keep their silence. The effort was not enough for two European countries to stop the invasion or Iraq War whatever you name it. Here the public of US has something to do. And they did with the last election. Hope it will work.
Consequently, I hope US public; who has peaceful mind and caring about the rest of the world will be governed in a better way instead of fear.
I am not fulfilled with hate. The thing that I am saying, as some of American's accept here: there were wrong decisions made by the people governing you. You are saying cold war OK than are you in Iraq because of cold of War? It is over many years ago I guess. Correct me if I am wrong. For the rest of countries you are saying cold war but what your previous governments has done was not very cold I guess?
I am not into war subject only, let me give another example: it is about Kyoto protocol. Even though The United States was, as of at least 2005,the largest per capital emitter of carbon dioxide from the burning of fossil fuels. Your government doesn't care how much they are destroying the earth. "The United States (U.S.), although a signatory to the Kyoto Protocol, has neither ratified nor withdrawn from the Protocol. The signature alone is symbolic, as the Kyoto Protocol is non-binding on the United States unless ratified." [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kyoto_Protocol#United_States] There is protocol agreed on it but your previous governments were saying "Oh OK keep up with the good work; do what I say but do not do what I do. I will keep making earth less worth for living but I agree that you shall make restrictions for yourself"
I understand that when there is power and no control mechanism; indeed it will be out of control sometimes. Like Germany and France were against the invasion of Iraq; but US urged them to keep their silence. The effort was not enough for two European countries to stop the invasion or Iraq War whatever you name it. Here the public of US has something to do. And they did with the last election. Hope it will work.
Consequently, I hope US public; who has peaceful mind and caring about the rest of the world will be governed in a better way instead of fear.
"What doesn't kill me; makes me stronger..."