peace be upon those who follow righteous guidance platao,

as you are on this site i am assuming you are in qatar, in which case why not check out this place and ask for a little advice and help here?

Hamd Bin Gasem st. cross Hamd El-Kabeer st.
Tel. 1: +974 4250250
Tel. 2: +974 4447444
Fax: +974 4250200
E-Mail: [email protected]

they look after new muslims and those interested in islam and will be able to guide you much better. i am not saying you won't get good advice on an internet forum, but sometimes it is better to get official advice as well from those who are actually in the job of doing this work.

right... circumcision.

it hurts, not the operation because then you get pain killers, but i nearly passed out first time i went to the toilet afterwards but look on the bright side, at least we get pain killers! (though opiates are a bit OTT, paracetamol is normally enough) the prophet Abraham (upon him be peace) did himself whilst he was elderly some say with a sharpened sea shell, now that is being a real man!

interestingly, if you examine the history of the christian faith, the early christians who were followers of james, not paul and still followed the parts of the torah that had not be abrogated by JC (upon him be peace) would also practice circumcision and perform this on any new convert as well.

now the islamic rulings differ, some scholars say it is highly recommended if you convert to islam to have it done, others say compulsory if you are able to get in done without there being a serious health risk.

but the good news is if you follow either ruling you dont have to get it done right away, you can still be muslim and not 'get the chop' as someone put it, some wait years, i did as needed to get it done privately and took me a while to be able to afford it.

as some people pointed out, muslim sisters can have an expectation that their husband is circumcised and there is bound to be a little pressure from the elders in the community and in-laws once married to get this done (i think they do this to test your seriousness about the faith).

finally (because this is becomming a long post)...
i would recommend you dont delay on your reversion, none of us know what is coming tomorrow so if you are sure about islam being the correct way of life for you then go to your local masjid or to the fanar centre and they can help you out.

Abu Abdillah