"... The latest clashes between gangs of Muslim Hausas and mostly Christian youths began early on Friday and were provoked by a disputed local election after rumours spread that the ANPP party candidate backed by Hausas had LOST the race to the ruling PDP.

'The PDP provided an all-Christian ticket. They started the trouble because they couldn't win,' said Samaila Abdullahi Mohammed, spokesman for the Imam at the main mosque...."

Is it my imagination, but isn't that a bit contradictory? First it says the PDP were rumoured to have won, then says they started the trouble because they COULDN'T win! ???

Also, although I wouldn't want to see that 100s more had died in the rioting, the article only mentions the bodies taken to the mosque (presumably the Muslims who died). What about the "mostly Christian youths"?

Article seems a tad biased, no?