It seems Lusitano that you have an idea already in your mind and I dont think we can change it...((predetermination))
As far as desert polution goes...well the environment authority caught a number of waste dumping cases and they issue big fines...this is in Arabic newspapers
As far as recycling I agree people here including myself dont care...but I care so much about conserving resources (power, water...etc)
Like in the previous post what you see in Arabic newspapers is different from the english ones...
It seems Lusitano that you have an idea already in your mind and I dont think we can change it...((predetermination))
As far as desert polution goes...well the environment authority caught a number of waste dumping cases and they issue big fines...this is in Arabic newspapers
As far as recycling I agree people here including myself dont care...but I care so much about conserving resources (power, water...etc)
Like in the previous post what you see in Arabic newspapers is different from the english ones...