just nak tanya sikit.....I baru dapat email dari QG utk Senior Accountant position. Offer dia QR12,000 plus trnsp. all + house provided + medical + child edu +air ticket once a year. Is this a good offer? I'm married with a daughter aged coming to one year. since ramai dalam forum ini tgh dan telah bekerja di sana mgkn boleh tolong ttg qn ni....really2 need your guys/girls help. thnx in advance.....my email address "[email protected]"
Assalamualikum semua
just nak tanya sikit.....I baru dapat email dari QG utk Senior Accountant position. Offer dia QR12,000 plus trnsp. all + house provided + medical + child edu +air ticket once a year. Is this a good offer? I'm married with a daughter aged coming to one year. since ramai dalam forum ini tgh dan telah bekerja di sana mgkn boleh tolong ttg qn ni....really2 need your guys/girls help. thnx in advance.....my email address "[email protected]"
Thank you.