OK just because a girl CAN produce a child without dying DOESN'T mean she should. i agree completely with the people who said she is not mentally or emoitoanlly ready at that age!
Also, at that young age, NO girl can consent to sex. i'M SORRY, they are CHILDREN and any sexual relations, ESPECIALLY with someone in a position of authority over them (and that means adults) is RAPE. pure and simple. so basically what people are arguing here is religious and legally sanctioned rape, and that is shamefull.
as for all the teen pregnancy in the west- those girls are older. they consented for the most part, they made mistakes, but THEY were in control of their bodies. In the case of child brides, they lose that control, it's taken away from them, and that is horrible. We've grown as a society where women can be in cahrge of their bodies and their lives, or we should have. why do we place such a high premium on being 'taken care of'? It's my opinon that regardless of if a 16 year old girl has a baby out of wedlock or in, she's still wasted her life in most cases. the child may not be a bastard (what does that matter anyway?) but the mother has still thrown away her own life and opportunities, regardless if she's shackled herself to a husband.
also, Iknow many women who are BETTER OFF having children without being married- sometimes men aren't ready to be fathers, but that doesn't mean a woman can't be a mother. but that's an entirely different topic :)
OK just because a girl CAN produce a child without dying DOESN'T mean she should. i agree completely with the people who said she is not mentally or emoitoanlly ready at that age!
Also, at that young age, NO girl can consent to sex. i'M SORRY, they are CHILDREN and any sexual relations, ESPECIALLY with someone in a position of authority over them (and that means adults) is RAPE. pure and simple. so basically what people are arguing here is religious and legally sanctioned rape, and that is shamefull.
as for all the teen pregnancy in the west- those girls are older. they consented for the most part, they made mistakes, but THEY were in control of their bodies. In the case of child brides, they lose that control, it's taken away from them, and that is horrible. We've grown as a society where women can be in cahrge of their bodies and their lives, or we should have. why do we place such a high premium on being 'taken care of'? It's my opinon that regardless of if a 16 year old girl has a baby out of wedlock or in, she's still wasted her life in most cases. the child may not be a bastard (what does that matter anyway?) but the mother has still thrown away her own life and opportunities, regardless if she's shackled herself to a husband.
also, Iknow many women who are BETTER OFF having children without being married- sometimes men aren't ready to be fathers, but that doesn't mean a woman can't be a mother. but that's an entirely different topic :)