Yes we have a history which Qatar can draw on and in some ways perhaps they are. But our development took steps as will theirs. It is true that human rights is a fundimental element for a world community and that there are issues in Qatar (very real issues) which require candid discussion and resolution.

An important element to the world is the uniquness of various parts of it. It's not all modern, western, busy, bland and impersonal and I hope that Qatar moves quickly to establish itself in an international scene, but does so on its own terms, with its own citizens fully supportive of the approach.

Yes there is a real slave mentality here, yes wages on the basis of skill not nationality are an issue. The treatment of people in a balanced, open and transparent fashion are all really important.

It takes time and I hate to say that many of the victories in regard to human rights have been hard fought and sadly rapidly erroded by many western nations. Hmm Qatar should not detain without trial, but it is OK for other nations to do so for up to 75 days???

I know this takes us off topic but it is easy to take a pious position. Here, hell how many nuvo rich do you know who have there own qr600-1000 a month slave and see no issues with it. So if we are to lecture we must also model not just sight the benifits of history but also sharply and loudly criteque our peers who so willingly sing to the same tune.

 I may be blonde but I am wise

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