they had this nice little coffee shop - a bit limited as for food choices - and a good weekend breakfast buffet. All nice, new and with lots of the residents hanging out - and spending there - on a daily basis. Day and night. Of course as soon as the place was open for about 6 months - and still was smelling like new- they decided to put the palce down. Literally. To do nothing there. For no reason.. other than LACK OF FUCTIONING BRAIN to run this place.
They open this extremely ugly restaurant totally out of palce for people outside this complex and miles away from being what residents here need, enjoy and would like to have as a palce to hang out. Really... what is it that they had to put a finger on something that was a success to fullfill some lcoal ego with the most horrendous restaurant... it sure deserves a visit and a photo. If you tell nobody will believe it.
they had this nice little coffee shop - a bit limited as for food choices - and a good weekend breakfast buffet. All nice, new and with lots of the residents hanging out - and spending there - on a daily basis. Day and night. Of course as soon as the place was open for about 6 months - and still was smelling like new- they decided to put the palce down. Literally. To do nothing there. For no reason.. other than LACK OF FUCTIONING BRAIN to run this place.
They open this extremely ugly restaurant totally out of palce for people outside this complex and miles away from being what residents here need, enjoy and would like to have as a palce to hang out. Really... what is it that they had to put a finger on something that was a success to fullfill some lcoal ego with the most horrendous restaurant... it sure deserves a visit and a photo. If you tell nobody will believe it.