All I can say is Im happy with NIS and we dont have any bad thing to said ...I know every school will have some lack NO MATTER what ...I've been a homeschooler mom for 2 year in America and all i can say ...I love that my kids have an interaction with arab speaking kids and take arabic class ...I love that Idea ...when we going back to USA they will be able to speak arabic and definitely we will continue to learn it ...We do bring some curriculum from the USA ....again if you think your kids lacking of homework or knowledge ...YOU as a parent should help them ....beside that not only the teacher responsibility to educate your kids .... You were right if you said ...that you pay for the school ...just for your information i know some family dont have education allowance and they been force to homeschooling their kids not by choice imagine you have to do that least you will teach your kids half day .... anyway I wont speak anymore but I LOVE NIS and will keep my kids there ....
All I can say is Im happy with NIS and we dont have any bad thing to said ...I know every school will have some lack NO MATTER what ...I've been a homeschooler mom for 2 year in America and all i can say ...I love that my kids have an interaction with arab speaking kids and take arabic class ...I love that Idea ...when we going back to USA they will be able to speak arabic and definitely we will continue to learn it ...We do bring some curriculum from the USA ....again if you think your kids lacking of homework or knowledge ...YOU as a parent should help them ....beside that not only the teacher responsibility to educate your kids .... You were right if you said ...that you pay for the school ...just for your information i know some family dont have education allowance and they been force to homeschooling their kids not by choice imagine you have to do that least you will teach your kids half day .... anyway I wont speak anymore but I LOVE NIS and will keep my kids there ....