BritExpat, Pakistan was very peaceful before these all events. The Pakistan had no internal problems, all we have to coup up is to tame down those people and dont fight our forces in Pakistan. Stop their operations from within Pakistan against any country. I hope you can understand that. No country can think of using Nuclear weapons, it is only a deterence.
Mira which city have you visited in Pakistan, i have found every big city there not less than any other city in the world, Yes the no of poor people may be more but all things are much cheaper as well.
I have been in USA and i can tell you that the middle class there is suffering same. Pakistani US nationals always pose themselves too much different but they are also actually suffering from a sort of poverty that a middle class/upper middle class in USA faces. Lot of taxation there, if you have kids and you go for a good house you are under debt.
I remember that when I was in Unviersity of Colorado at Boulder campus there were some worker class living at a distance with me (Mexican American). I had one old desktop computer spare (although i was also financially very tight) i thought that i should give to the kids as i dont use it. When i gave it to those kids they were so happy to find it that they did not play outside all next day, although their father was keeping a new dodge Ram on loan.
In summary i found the struggle is the same there for middle class there as well ,just to earn and feed them selves by keeping up a certain living standard. The people there are under lot of loans.