I have read many comments , i myself has no problem driving around the round abouts like many of you. Try to think of the situation when some other makes a mistake in a round about, or can probably make mistakes.

Now just imagine that you cannot change your lane in a round about if other has made such silly mistake then surely your car will get struck by other vehicle on other side. How can you deny this, i tcan very well happen?

I also have studied Highway geometric engineering in Bs Civil engineering final year, the best way to avoid such conflicts is a grade separated intersection at the rush locations, i dont know who dictated them to make Qatar a city of round abouts. The company who did the work consisted of some in compitent people i think.

For sure something is wrong in the lay outs of the highways. Also the street markings are so poor. The interchange near mid mac contractor's office is names as mid mac interchange, what if the contractor moves out his office from there what will be its name, will be be a no name interchange. Like this so many roundabouts/signals are named in the same fashion like Qatari decoration roundabout, markhiya round about, crazy signal etc etc.