If you're thinking of moving here for adventure find another place. If you find a job here that pays well then it is a different story. The salary proposed will put you just above the poverty level with the cost of living here.

If you don't have education or a profession (lawyer/medical doctor/educator) then you won't likely find good work here that pays well. If you do have credentials or professional expertise then it could be a good place to work if you find the right job.

As an American (if you're use to living in the USA) you'll need at least USD$ 4,500 per month (multiply that times 3.65 for Qatari Riyals) to be comfortable. That assumes they are also providing housing (it should be furnished) in a nice location. Ask them where you'll be living? Make sure they aren't giving you a roommate and you should also receive a transportation allowance. If they want to give you a housing allowance don't go for it. Insist on their providing housing for you and make sure it's nice.

Good luck -- I have lived here for over 2 years and like it but it has to be the right job and the right reason to live here.