If you Indonesian and married ( or engaged ) to other nationality please join our community that have member from all over the world . You can ask all question about mixed married or children from mixed married.
Should you interested to join our community please ask me for the registration form and the founder from Italy will approve it before you can join the forum. To ask for the registration form email me at [email protected]
Hi y'all
If you Indonesian and married ( or engaged ) to other nationality please join our community that have member from all over the world . You can ask all question about mixed married or children from mixed married.
Should you interested to join our community please ask me for the registration form and the founder from Italy will approve it before you can join the forum. To ask for the registration form email me at [email protected]
you can also check the website at www.kpcmelati.org.
attached is the email from the founder.
PS : I'm voluntary from middle east section