hi macky! no more songs ..... i guess, but its good to know that this is one of your favorite songs.

its not that whatever we post here are related "somewhat significant" (as u said) to the author .... i just believed that good songs are better to post here than non-sense topics which always ended up offending and hurting other members' feeelings.

well, i dont expect anyone to relate into this, i dont even expect thenm to read this.... im just sharing a good and lovely songs :)

and i dont think that love songs or things about love are CRAP .... whenever i see or have read some so called real "CRAP" topics, i just simply ignore it .... i just dont say anything bad .....because we are not here to offend other members' feelings. most likely, we are to share ...... but who am i to post this ? a commoner!

" if we are not part of the SOLUTION, then we are the PROBLEM "