I went to them to open a saving account, and I wanted it to be quick, I had a lot of cash in my hand that I wanted to keep away from my other accounts.
The first day to told me we neem the Electricity and water bill as a part of the documents, I came back the next day and they did not ask about it again, so i lost one day for nothing.
They promised me it takes 3 days to open the account, and I waited 13days, and never heard anything from them, I called them back, asking if my account is opened already, and how long it takes to close it again, :))
Yea, it's rediculous, Time is money for me, and I don't want to mix cash in the same accounts, for business requirements.
Ironically, they told me there might be a charge for closing the account, and then they told me that I can close it for free since I did not use it.
Other than the amazing and helpful Philipina in the costumer service, I found nothing good at all.
I went to them to open a saving account, and I wanted it to be quick, I had a lot of cash in my hand that I wanted to keep away from my other accounts.
The first day to told me we neem the Electricity and water bill as a part of the documents, I came back the next day and they did not ask about it again, so i lost one day for nothing.
They promised me it takes 3 days to open the account, and I waited 13days, and never heard anything from them, I called them back, asking if my account is opened already, and how long it takes to close it again, :))
Yea, it's rediculous, Time is money for me, and I don't want to mix cash in the same accounts, for business requirements.
Ironically, they told me there might be a charge for closing the account, and then they told me that I can close it for free since I did not use it.
Other than the amazing and helpful Philipina in the costumer service, I found nothing good at all.