Birthmark removal offers a solution for individuals seeking to remove birthmarks from their body, which developed at birth or shortly afterward. Birthmarks can be removed for cosmetic reasons, or to reduce the possibility of health risks from occurring.Most birthmarks fall into two categories: portwine birthmarks and coffee-and-cream birthmarks

About 15 minutes to a few hours; depends on the size and extent of a patient’s particular birthmark.
Side Effects

Possibility of minor bruising, bleeding, infection, scarring, and scabbing.

Little to no downtime; depends on type of birthmark and treatment.

Unexpected deepening or lightening of skin coloration. The skin can also become patchy, with darker areas surrounded by spots of lighter pigmentation.

Long-lasting; number of treatments depend on the darkness of the birthmark; darker lesions typically require more treatments for optimal results.


The method used for removal, including laser surgery or surgical excision, depends on the type of birthmark, the severity of its condition, location, and whether it causes symptoms, pain, or disfigurement. Still, lasers
Laser Birth Mark Removal in India are a common treatment for this procedure. It can lighten specific areas of the skin in order to even out a patient’s skin tone, making the birthmark less noticeable. As the laser penetrates the surface of the skin, it lightens the darkened areas. In many coffee-and-cream birthmark cases, laser treatment can help to eliminate the mark altogether. It usually takes multiple treatments to remove most port wine stains and hemangiomas, because the laser only penetrates a small distance into the skin.